Concordance and Sliceness


Here is a tentative schedule for the course. Everything is subject to change throughout the semester.
Week Date Topic
1 4/4 Motivation, applications, and course overview
2 11/4 Definitions and examples
3 18/4 Algebraic concordance (I)
4 25/4 Algebraic concordance (II), Intersection and linking forms
5 2/5 Twisted intersection forms, Casson-Gordon invariants (I)
6 9/5 Casson-Gordon invariants (II), Filtrations
7 16/5 Alexander ploynomial and topological sliceness (I)
8 23/5 Slice-Bennequin inequalities
-- -- Holiday
9 6/6 Class cancelled
10 13/6 Khovanov homology
11 20/6 Lee homology and the s-invariant
12 27/6 Alexander polynomial and topological sliceness (II), Donaldson obstructions
13 4/7 Exotic R4s, High dimensional knots
14 11/7 Open problems, Question session